
LDR_EE copy

描述:Spice symbol for the EasyEDA in-house Light Dependent Resistor subckt model. To make a variant with different parameters, copy, paste into the schematic, rename and edit the .subckt netlist. (Note that this model is identical to LDREE except that it has been renamed to comply with the latest EasyEDA naming rule of a minimum of 6 characters)


名称: LDR
贡献者: he8qICUcu
描述: Spice symbol for the EasyEDA in-house Light Dependent Resistor subckt model. To make a variant with different parameters, copy, paste into the schematic, rename and edit the .subckt netlist. (Note that this model is identical to LDREE except that it has been renamed to comply with the latest EasyEDA naming rule of a minimum of 6 characters)
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